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Street Sweeping

The City of St.Marys as part of road and street maintenance, implements a Street Sweeping Program in the spring of every year where they sweep and clean roads and streets throughout St.Marys.  Also cleaned by the City are their paved parking lots and maintained sidewalks.  Please note that sweepings are available to St.Marys residents only and will not be delivered. A pile will be available at the old basketball court at Kaulmont Park.  Residents are responsible for loading the sweepings and are limited to one load.  This way every resident has the opportunity to obtain some.

Property owners/residents along the scheduled roads and streets are asked to sweep or rake any excess material into the gutter line. 

Please DO NOT rake or sweep the stone into piles or place it on top of catch basins or inlet grates.  When using a power broom, it is ILLEGAL to throw the stone out onto the street.  Please DO NOT rake or sweep stone into the street as this creates a hazardous situation to the traveling public.  Residents are also asked not to place any litter in the gutter line.

  In the areas where there is permitted parking, residents are asked to NOT park along the street until the work is complete.  All

residents should have their area ready one week in advance of the schedule to allow for schedule updates.

The Street Sweeping Program also involves periodic sweeping of streets in the downtown business district throughout the summer. This will take place every other week until the middle of October.  The following is a TENTATIVE schedule of the program.  All other roads and streets not listed on the annual schedule will be swept as time permits.  Please note that the sweeper will be out before the scheduled days to get the heavier debris and to clean crucial storm drain areas.


Area #1 (Beginning March 24, 2025)

 Louis Street, Center Street, Church Street (Center to Maurus), Lenze Avenue, Kerner Avenue, East Mill Street, West Mill Street, McGill Street, Eberl Street, Race Street, Pattison Street, Berwind Street, Roosevelt Street, Rock Street, East Arch Street, West Arch Street, Market Street, Oak Street, Park Street, Chestnut Street, Walnut Street, Spruce Street, Maple Street, Locust Road, Beech Road, Willow Road, Aspen Road, Larch Road, Queens Road, West Eschbach Road, Poplar Road, Wendel Road, Grandview Road, Birch Road, Martin Road, Fleming Road, Averyville Road, Villa Road, Nova Road, Jera Road, Bel Vista Road, Vine Road, Hickory Road, Cherry Hill Road, Fern Road, Teaberry Road, Hemlock Road, Parkview Road, Edgewood Road, Las Glorias Road, Wehler Road, Ford Road, Sara Road, Bayberry Road, Elm Road, Cedar Road, Clark Road, Evergreen Road, Plymouth Road, Mercury Road, Comet Road, Falcon Road, Rambler Road, Earth Road, Moon Road, Light Road, Light Extension, Star Road, Kallas Road, Thunder Road, Baumer Road, Sumar Road, West Theresia Road, Townview Road, Random Road, Iron Run Road, Service Road, Fire Station #3, North St.Marys Street parking lot, Market Street parking lot, and the Depot Street parking lot.

Area #2 (Week of March 31, 2025)

Pine Street, Ash Street, Kaul Avenue, East Kaul Avenue, High Avenue, Darr Street, John Street, Depot Street, Fourth Street, Hall Avenue, Sweeney Street, Stackpole Street, Ceramic Street, Battery Street, Curry Avenue, Schissle Street, Jones Street, Lincoln Street, Mertz Avenue, Lehner Avenue, Environmental Drive, Pontzer Avenue, Rettger Street, Neubert Street, Hauber Avenue, Crestview Road, Benzinger Road, Bavarian Hills Road, Mulligan Road, Lemans Road, Capri Road, Catalina Road, Cadillac Road, Malibu Road, Sunrise Road, Robin Road, East Eschbach Road, Alpine Road, Liberty Road, South Ridge Road, Lang Road, Carbon Road, Grotzinger Road, Wright Road, Rosely Road (to end of pavement), Brusselles Street parking lot.

Area #3 (Week of April 7, 2025)

Lafayette Street, Erie Avenue, Madison Street, Diamond Street, Lawrence Street, Columbus Street, Mark Street, Ida Street, Russ Lane, Dippold Avenue, Evers Avenue, Rightmeyer Street, Atlantic Street, Grant Street, Tremont Street, Bank Street, Bunker Hill Road, Penn Road,

Edward Road, Reserve Road, East Condot Road, Carolwood Road, Adams Road, Access Road, Wilson Road, Siecker Road, Timberline Road, Delaum Road, Aumadel Road, Shady Grove Road, Terrace Road, Aviation Way, Piper Road.

Area #4 (Week of April 14, 2025)

Oilwell Street, Parade Street, Straub Avenue, Benedict Street, Walburga Street, Lynch Road, West Condot Road, Armory Road, Haggerty Road, Erich Road, Houston Road, Bennett Road, Parkway Road, Gay Road, Hill Road, Nicklas Road, Wolfel Avenue, Robson Street, Lombardo

Street, Etheldale Avenue, Straub Avenue, Rosedale Avenue, North Michael Street, Jefferson Street, Eben Road, Dove Road, West Oilwell Street, George Street, Charles Street, Church Street, East Joseph Road, West Joseph Road, Vermont Road, Virginia Road, School Street, Sherry Road, Sunset Road, Arnold Road, Pope Road, Cardinal Road, North Paul Road apron, South Paul Road apron.

Please note that this schedule could change without notice.  The City of St. Marys appreciates your cooperation during this project.



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Instagram: cityofstmarys

City App: My St. Marys

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