Authorities, Boards, and Commissions

The City’s Authorities, Boards and Commissions will hold their regular scheduled meetings and all available meeting agendas will be posted in advance of all public meetings on the City Calendar

If you are interested in the minutes from these meetings, please contact City Hall.

Public Comments should be sent to:

City Hall Attn: Public Comment

11 LaFayette St.

St. Marys, PA 15857

Or email to


Airport Authority - Regular monthly meetings will be held on the 3rd Monday of each month at 4:00 p.m. at the Airport

7 Members

5 years

Mission Statement

To have the St. Marys Municipal Airport available for all air minded individuals; pilots or otherwise, local or incoming, which will foster the advancement of the airport.

Board of Health - Quarterly meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall

5 Members

5 years

§ 203. Health Board. [Ord. 1, 1/3/1994, § 1003]

1. The City Health Board shall be responsible for administration of the health laws and ordinances of the City.

2. The Health Board shall consist of five members, at least one of whom shall be a licensed physician.

3. At its organizational meeting in January of 1994, City Council shall appoint one member for a five-year term, one member for a four-year term, one member for a three-year term, one member for a two-year term and one member for a one-year term. Thereafter, all members of the Health Board shall serve for terms of five years. Vacancies on the Health Board shall be filled by City Council for the unexpired term. The members of the Health Board shall serve without compensation.

4. City Council shall have the power to appoint a Health Officer and a Secretary to the Health Board and to establish the compensation for such appointees. The Health Officer and the Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Health Board.

5. The Health Board shall have the power, and it shall be its duty, to enforce the laws of the Commonwealth, the regulations of the Department of Environmental Resources, and all ordinances of the City enacted to prevent the introduction and spread of infectious or contagious disease; to abate and remove all nuisances which the Board shall deem prejudicial to the public health; and to recommend such regulations as shall be deemed necessary for the preservation of the public health.

Golf Course Authority - Meeting are called by the Chairman and are advertised when they occur.

5 Members

5 years

The Authority is incorporated for the purpose of acquiring land and easements and obtaining appropriate public or private financing to construct, own, operate and maintain a public golf course within the Township of Benzinger; together with such other activities as may from time to time be necessary and proper to the performance of such purposes.

Municipal Authority - Regular bi-monthly meeting are held on the first Monday of every other month at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall

7 Members

5 years

The principal function of the St. Marys Municipal Authority shall be to undertake the ownership of, and the financing and construction of capital additions to the Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Wastewater collection and conveyance systems within the City of St. Marys, as well to the Authority from time to time.

Planning Commission - Regular monthly meetings will be held on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall

9 Members

4 years

§ 206. Planning Commission. [Ord. 1, 1/3/1994, § 1006]

1. The City Planning Commission shall consist of not more than nine members appointed by City Council. At its organizational meeting in January of 1994, City Council shall appoint three members for four-year terms, three members for three-year terms, and three members for two-year terms. Thereafter, all Planning Commission members shall serve for four-year terms. Vacancies in the Planning Commission shall be filled by City Council for the unexpired term.

2. All members of the Planning Commission shall be residents of the City. At least six members of the Planning Commission shall be citizen members, as defined by § 205 of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.

3. The Planning Commission shall have such powers as are vested in it by the provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code and by the ordinances from time to time adopted by City Council.

4. The Planning Commission shall be authorized to adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of its affairs, consistent with this Part and the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.

Police Civil Service Commission - Meetings are called by the President and are advertised when they occur

3 Members

3 years

207. Police Civil Service Commission. [Ord. 1, 1/3/1994, § 1007; as amended by Ord. 40, 2/19/1996, § 3; and by Ord. 188, 12/6/2004]

1. The Police Civil Service Commission shall consist of three registered electors of the City appointed by City Council. At its organizational meeting in January of 1994, City Council shall appoint one member for a three-year term, one member for a two-year term, and one member for a one-year term. Thereafter, all members shall be appointed for three-year terms. Vacancies on the Civil Service Commission shall be filled by City Council for the unexpired term.

2. The Police Civil Service Commission shall have such powers and duties as are established under the City Civil Service Code.

Recreation Board - Regular monthly meetings will be held on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Room at City Hall

9 Members

5 years

§ 204. Recreation Board. [Ord. 1, 1/3/1994, § 1004; as amended by Ord. 89, 11/16/1998, § 7]

1. The Recreation Board shall be responsible for management of the facilities and activities of the Community Pool and all the parks and playgrounds within the City.

2. The Recreation Board shall consist of not more than seven residents of the City. Each member of the Recreation Board shall serve for a term of five years. Vacancies on the Recreation Board shall be filled by City Council for the unexpired term. [Amended by Ord. 287, 1/6/20143]

3. The power to hire and fire employees for the Community Pool, parks and playgrounds shall be vested in the Manager, upon recommendation of the Recreation Board.

4. The Recreation Board shall, on or before September 1 of each year, provide the Manager with a detailed budget estimate for the following calendar year.

5. The Recreation Board shall have the authority to adopt rules and regulations for the internal management of its affairs, consistent with this Part.

INACTIVE - Redevelopment Authority

5 Members

5 years

Mission Statement

The mission of the City of St. Marys Redevelopment Authority is to eliminate slum and blight in municipally designated distressed areas; to promote redevelopment, revitalization and stabilization of these areas with economically and environmentally viable commercial, industrial and/or mixed use development; and to build the city's property tax base and create sustainable job opportunities for the citizens of the City of St. Marys.

The Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Marys meets on a monthly basis the third Monday of every month at City Hall. The Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Marys discusses all current issues with various programs and projects related to the organization's mission statement within the City of St. Marys. All members are elected by City Council and hold each of the five authority seats for a 5 year period.

Shade Tree Commission - regular monthly meetings will be held on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the basement Conference Room at City Hall

5 Members

3 years

Vacancy Board

1 Member

2 years

§ 1001. Vacancy Board. [Charter, 11/4/1992, § 1001]

There is hereby created a Vacancy Board, consisting of the remaining Council Members and one registered elector of the City, who shall be appointed by Council at its organizational meeting or as soon thereafter as is practical and who shall act as chairman of the Vacancy Board.

§ 1002. Method of Filling Vacancies. [Charter, 11/4/1992, § 1002]

If a vacancy exists in Council or in the office of Mayor or Tax Collector, a majority of the remaining Council Members may appoint a successor to fill such vacancy. If Council fails to fill such vacancy within 30 days after the vacancy occurs, the vacancy shall be filled by the Vacancy Board within 60 days after the vacancy occurs. If the Vacancy Board shall fail or refuse to fill such vacancy within the time specified, the Court of Common Pleas shall fill such vacancy upon presentation of a petition signed by not less than 15 registered electors of the City. In case vacancies should exist on Council where the offices of a majority of the Council Members become vacant, the remaining Council Members shall fill such vacancies one at a time, giving each new appointee notice of the appointment as to enable the new appointee to meet and act with the then qualified Members of the Council in making further appointments; and, in each such case a majority of the Council Members then qualified shall be sufficient to make the next appointment.

§ 1003. Term of Successor. [Charter, 11/4/1992, § 1003]

In the case of all appointments under this Article, the successor so appointed shall hold the office until the first Monday in January after the first municipal election occurring more than 60 days after the vacancy occurs, at which election an eligible person shall be elected for the unexpired term.

§ 1004. Qualifications. [Charter, 11/4/1992, § 1004]

Any person appointed or elected to fill a vacancy shall possess the minimum qualifications for the office required under this Charter.

Water Authority - Regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m. at 967 State Street

7 Members

5 years

The purpose of the Authority is to construct, maintain and operate the facilities necessary to furnish water for the incorporating municipalities and for such adjoining political sub-divisions and areas as desire to service.

Zoning Hearing Board - Hearings are set by the Secretary which are held at City Hall and will be advertised when they occur

5 Members (+ one alternate)

5 years

§ 205. Zoning Hearing Board. [Ord. 1, 1/3/1994, § 1005; as amended by Ord.

89, 11/16/1998, § 9]

1. The Zoning Hearing Board shall consist of five members and one alternate, who shall be residents of the City and shall exercise such duties and responsibilities as are provided under Article IX of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, Act of July 31, 1968, P.L. 805, as from time to time amended.

2. At its organizational meeting in January of 1994, City Council shall appoint one member for a five-year term, one member for a four-year term, one member for a three-year term, one member for a two-year term, one member for a one-year term, and one alternate for a three-year term. Thereafter, all members of the Zoning Hearing Board shall be appointed for five-year terms, and the alternate member shall be appointed for a three-year term.

Board vacancies are posted here as they occur during the year.

Vacancies for all expiring terms are advertised on the City website each year in September.

If interested in a position on any of these boards or commissions, please check back for additional availability at that time.